
Become A Thinker

A part of the Think Group Family

Become a Thinker is part of the Think Group Family, this website is dedicated to participants only. If you are interested in utilizing our recruiting services for your own project, please click the button below.


Market research is the process of businesses gathering and analyzing data that helps them to understand consumer’s opinions about either current or unreleased products. By being a market research participant, you get the opportunity to directly give companies feedback on their products, which helps businesses understand how their products can be improved. At Become a Thinker, we host both nationwide and local research projects and hope you’ll join our database so the companies we work with can continue to receive valued feedback from our Thinkers.

Want to learn more? Visit our FAQs page!


Become a Thinker

Research & Marketing

6633 E Hwy 290 Ste. 201

Austin, TX 78723

Tel: 512-637-6690